Budgeting Lessens the Burden

Budgeting is a way to break free of the chains of crony capitalism.

Establishing a solid budget can help lessen the burden we bear in a world ruled by greed.

Money is a fact of life. For many who just want to live and don’t care about being rich, it’s often a hindrance to their peace, as they must trade precious time for survival money. For some, money is a cruel and out of reach enigma that controls every aspect of their life. For others, money is nothing.

Budgeting your life intentionally can help you detach from the entangled web of money and capital we’re born into and forced to work under. Capitalism isn’t even the word in which we can blame. Greed is to blame, and capitalism is the vehicle being driven by it. Greed aims to destroy everything in its path to consume it. Building a strong budget is like building a fortress against a monster. It will keep you fortified through the storms.

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